Monday, 03/06/2024,

Focus on reviewing and implementing key tasks to ensure quality and efficiency

On the afternoon of April 17, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Mai Son chaired the regular conference of the Provincial People's Committee in April 2024. Attending the conference were Deputy Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Tran Van Tuan; Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le O Pich; Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Nghiem Xuan Huong; members of the Provincial People's Committee and representative leaders of departments, sectors, and units of the province.
Overview of the conference.

According to the report of the Department of Planning and Investment, the socio-economic situation in April and the first 4 months of 2024 continued to have many positive changes. Industrial production continued to maintain good growth momentum. The index of production (IIP) in April increased by 7.78% compared to the previous month, increasing by 23.18% compared to April 2023. The 4-month index increased by 23.96% over the same period. Industrial production value in April was estimated at 58,763 billion VND, increasing by 8.6% compared to the previous month and increasing by 24.7% compared to April 2023. That of 4 months reached over 210,350 billion VND, an increase of 25.2 over the same period, reaching 31.6% of the plan.

Agricultural production was on schedule, crops grew and developed well, citrus crops were expected to have good harvests, and aquaculture developed stably. Commercial activities in the province were stable, supply was abundant. Circulation and consumption of goods was convenient.

Total domestic budget revenue in April was estimated at 906 billion VND, increasing by 4.4% over the same period. That of 4 months was estimated to reach over 5,820 billion VND, an increase of 13.1%, equal to 40.5% of the estimate. Investment attraction in April was 110.8 million USD in converted investment capital, 1.7 times higher than the same period in 2023. Accumulated 4 months attracted over 780.7 million USD in conversion, equal to 77% of the same period.

Foreign affairs with neighboring provinces and domestic and foreign partners continued to be promoted. Political security and social order and safety was guaranteed, traffic accidents were significantly reduced. The people's material and spiritual lives improved, social security continued to receive attention.

Deputy Director of the Department of Home Affairs Nguyen Van Phuong speaks at the conference.

However, some electronic component manufacturing enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, still had difficulties with orders. Budget revenue had positive changes but still faced many difficulties, especially revenue from land use fees. The disbursement rate of public investment capital was lower than the same period. The number of businesses temporarily suspending operations increased, the number of newly established businesses decreased over the same period, etc.

At the conference, delegates focused on discussing a number of topics: Budget collection; assurance of power sources for industrial development; solutions to accelerate disbursement of public investment capital; progress of arranging administrative units at district and commune levels; administrative reform index of the province; preparation of conditions for implementing the Land Law 2024; admission requirements for grade 10 and high school graduation; assurance of traffic safety, security and order, and social safety in the area, etc.

Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Mai Son concludes the conference.

Concluding the conference, the Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Mai Son acknowledged the results achieved in implementing socio-economic development tasks in April and the first 4 months of the year.

The Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested departments, sectors, agencies, and units to focus on reviewing and overcoming shortcomings and limitations, and at the same time implementing key tasks to ensure quality and effectiveness.

Continue to effectively implement Directive No. 26-CT/TU of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on correcting working style and practices and enhancing responsibility in performing tasks to meet requirements in the new situation. Establish an inspection team to strictly implement disciplined working practices, ethics, and public service culture.

Strengthen propaganda of the project to merge administrative boundaries, mobilize resources to eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses for poor and near-poor households. Support families of people with meritorious services having difficulty finding housing and need to repair or build new ones. Pay attention to directing the disbursement of public investment capital.

Organize good implementation of Directive No. 30-CT/TU of the Provincial Party Standing Committee on strengthening the leadership of the Party Committee at all levels to speed up the issuance of certificates of land use rights, housing and property ownership rights other related to land associated with building a land database in the province. Focus on site clearance and industrial zone infrastructure construction to attract investment.

Focus on asking for opinions from leaders of ministries and central sectors to adjust provincial planning to ensure unity and synchronization of planning and closeness to reality. Pay attention to analyzing indicators in administrative procedure reform, and develop plans to implement solutions to upgrade the indicators. Ensure traffic safety during the holidays. Besides, focus on promoting propaganda of socio-economic activities, especially propagating examples of good people and good deeds; good, creative ways to spread and replicate.

At the conference, delegates gave their opinions and voted to approve a number of draft documents: Proposal to develop a Resolution regulating the payment regime for welcoming, visiting, and congratulating a number of subjects assigned by the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees at all levels implemented in Bac Giang province; Proposal to develop a Resolution of the Provincial People's Council stipulating a number of policies to support the preservation and promotion of ethnic minority languages ​​in Bac Giang province in the 2024 – 2030 period./.